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All prices are in US Funds:
Year Long*1-MonthTest Crammer
(1 Week)
Pre-K and Kindergarten $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 1 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 2 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 3 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 4 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 5 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 6 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Accelerated Math 6 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 7 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Accelerated Math 7 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 8 $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Math 8/Algebra I $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Honors Pre-Algebra and Pre-Algebra $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Algebra I Part I $44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Coordinate Algebra $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Algebra I $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Integrated Math I $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Coordinate Algebra / Analytic Geometry $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Analytic Geometry $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Geometry (Basic and Advanced) $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Honors Geometry $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Integrated Math II $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Algebra II (Basic and Advanced) $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Honors Algebra II $69.99 $39.99 $24.99
Integrated Math III $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Algebra Functions Data Analysis $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Algebra II Trigonometry $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Technical College Readiness Mathematics $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Capstone Course $99.99 $59.99 $44.99
Common Sense Warm Ups
(Great for College Placement practice
of Middle School math)
$44.99 $24.99 $17.99
Trigonometry $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Math Analysis $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Discrete Math $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Pre-Calculus $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
Honors Pre-Calculus $99.99 $59.99 $44.99
Probability/Statistics $79.99 $44.99 $29.99
AP Statistics & Probability/Statistics $99.99 $59.99 $44.99
AP Pre-Calculus $99.99 $59.99 $44.99
AP Calculus (AB) Calc 1 $99.99 $59.99 $44.99
AP Calculus (BC) Calc 2 $119.99 $69.99 $49.99
Multivariable Calculus / Calculus 3 $99.99 $59.99 $44.99
Linear Algebra / Matrix Algebra $99.99 $59.99 $44.99

  • Year Long accounts stay active for 1 year (calendar year) And you CAN switch subjects (use "Contact Us" to switch) by paying the difference in price (if any).
  • 1-Month accounts stay active for 1 month and have a limit of 1,200 questions.
  • 1-Week accounts stay active for 1 week and have a limit of 300 questions.

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How do I know my account is activated?
Activation of your account will occur upon receiving payment. We will email you once your account is activated.
How do you use EasyWorksheet.com
You need to activate your account (by paying for it). Then you pick out the subject on the left. Put in your username and password. Then scroll down and decide how many of each question you want. In place of the 0, put in the number you want. (So if you want 10 questions on "divisibility rules", put in a 10 by "divisibility rules"). Finally, go down to the bottom and hit "Generate Worksheet". The Step-By-Step answers and the Answer sheet will appear in Pop-Up windows. So make sure that you take off your pop-up blocker!
What about more questions?
Once you have generated a worksheet, reload for new questions.
Is there anything to download?
There is nothing to download! And you can access EasyWorksheet.com from anywhere!

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