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(Random) STANDARD 8.1.1 Read, write, compare, classify and represent real numbers, and use them to solve problems in various contexts. 8.1.1A Rational, Irrational & Real Numbers
(Random) STANDARD 8.2.1 Understand the concept of function in real-world and mathematical situations, and distinguish between linear and nonlinear functions. 8.2.1 Linear & Nonlinear Functions
(Random) STANDARD 8.2.2 Recognize linear functions in real-world and mathematical situations; represent linear functions and other functions with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols and graphs; solve problems involving these functions and explain results in the original context. 8.2.2 Sequences & Linear Functions
(Random) STANDARD 8.2.3 Generate equivalent numerical and algebraic expressions and use algebraic properties to evaluate expressions. 8.2.3 Algebraic Expressions
(Random) STANDARD 8.2.4 Represent real-world and mathematical situations using equations and inequalities involving linear expressions. Solve equations and inequalities symbolically and graphically. Interpret solutions in the original context. 8.2.4A Representations of Linear Equations
(Random) STANDARD 8.3.2 Solve problems involving parallel and perpendicular lines on a coordinate system. 8.3.2 Slope of Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
(Random) STANDARD 8.4.1 Interpret data using scatterplots and approximate lines of best fit. Use lines of best fit to draw conclusions about data. 8.4.1 Scatterplots, Lines of Best Fit, and Predictions