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Select the number of each type of objective: (Selecting Random will randomly generate all subtypes) Click on any title to see the free sample worksheet. (only the first few samples are free) (Random) (2) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and use rational numbers in a variety of forms. The student is expected to extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual representation to describe relationships between sets of rational numbers.
b. Adding Integers (+/-/even/odd) c. Subtracting Integers (+/-/even/odd) d. Multiplying Integers (+/-/even/odd) e. Dividing Integers (+/-) f. Solving Age Problems g. Adding Like Fractions h. Subtracting Like Fractions i. Adding Fractions (Including Mixed) j. Subtracting Fractions (Including Mixed) k. Multiplying Fractions (Including Mixed) l. Dividing Fractions (Including Mixed) m. Dividing Decimals to get a Decimal n. Adding Decimals o. Subtracting Decimals p. Adding Decimals (not lined up) q. Subtracting Decimals (not lined up) r. Multiplying Decimals s. Dividing Decimals
b. Finding the value of a relation (Sets of Points) c. Finding the value of a relation (Tables) d. Finding the value of a relation (Graphs) e. Writing Linear Functions from Graphs f. Writing Linear Functions from Words g. Writing Linear Functions from Sets/Tables h. Writing Linear Functions from Sequences i. Continuing Arithmetic Patterns/Sequences j. Identifying the Common Difference k. Defining an Arithmetic Sequence with Recursion l. Identifying Patterns m. Stating a Rule for a Pattern n. Reading Graphs for Word Problems
b. Finding Area of Right Triangles c. Finding Perimeter of Rectangles d. Finding Area of Triangles e. Finding Area of Trapezoids f. Finding Area of Parallelograms g. Finding Perimeter of Irregular Figures h. Determining between Area and Perimeter i. Finding Area and Perimeter of Composite Pictures j. Finding Area of Basic Shapes k. Finding Areas of Irregular Figures
b. Finding Surface Area of Cylinders c. Finding Surface Area of Pyramids d. Finding Surface Area of Cones e. Finding Surface Area of a Sphere f. Finding Surface Area of Similar Solids g. Finding Surface Area of Stacked Cubes h. Creating a 3-D Object from Nets i. Identifying Symmetry with Tessellations (Tilings) j. Creating 2-D Views of Stacked Cubes k. Creating Stacked Cubes from 2-D Views l. Creating 2-D Views of Geometric Solids m. Creating Geometric Solids from 2-D Views
b. Identifying Subtraction Key Words in Verbal Expressions c. Identifying Multiplication Key Words in Verbal Expressions d. Identifying Division Key Words in Verbal Expressions e. Translating Verbal Equations in Addition f. Translating Verbal Equations in Subtraction g. Translating Verbal Equations in Multiplication h. Translating Verbal Equations in Division
b. Solving Equations by Subtracting c. Solving Equations by Multiplying d. Solving Equations by Dividing e. Solving Inequalities with Addition f. Solving Inequalities with Subtraction g. Solving Inequalities with Multiplication h. Solving Inequalities with Division i. Solving 2 Step Equations j. Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides k. Solving Equations with the Distributive Law l. Solving 2-Step Inequalities
b. Testing Solutions of Equations c. Applying the Order of Operations to Simplify Algebraic Expressions for given Replacement Values of Variables d. Checking Solutions (1 variable) (Easy) e. Checking Solutions (1 variable) (Harder) f. Checking Solutions (2 or more variables) g. Knowing the Order of Operations h. Applying the Order of Operations to Simplify Numeric Expressions i. Using Mental Math to Approximate j. Using Formulas
b. Estimating Angles (from pictures) c. Drawing Angles d. Identifying Pairs of Angles e. Solving Problems involving Complementary and Supplementary Angles f. Solving Problems involving Vertical Angles g. Solving Problems involving Linear Pairs h. Finding the Missing Angle in a Triangle
b. Calculating Gross Pay c. Calculating Net Pay Given Tax Information d. Calculating Net Pay e. Calculating the Net Pay you Needed from Monthly Expenses f. Calculating the Net Pay you Need g. Estimating the Gross Pay you Need h. Calculating the Gross Pay you Need i. Calculating the Number of Weeks Needed j. Calculating the Number of Hours Needed k. Given Gross and Net Pay Calculate the Amount of Pay Taken Out l. Given Gross and Net Pay Calculate the Percent of Pay taken home
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