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Select the number of each type of objective: (Selecting Random will randomly generate all subtypes) Click on any title to see the free sample worksheet. (only the first few samples are free)
(Random) (2.A) Number and operations. Count forward and backward to at least 20 with and without objects;
(Random) (2.C) Number and operations. Count a set of objects up to at least 20 and demonstrate that the last number said tells the number of objects in the set regardless of their arrangement or order;
(Random) (2.E) Number and operations. Generate a set using concrete and pictorial models that represents a number that is more than, less than, and equal to a given number up to 20;
(Random) (3.C) Number and operations. Explain the strategies used to solve problems involving adding and subtracting within 10 using spoken words, concrete and pictorial models, and number sentences.
(Random) (6.E) Geometry and Measurement. Classify and sort a variety of regular and irregular two- and three-dimensional figures regardless of orientation or size;
(Random) (7.B) Geometry and Measurement. Compare two objects with a common measurable attribute to see which object has more of/less of the attribute and describe the difference.